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The development is in La Libertad, Sardinal of Carrillo, Guanacaste, a popular vacationers destination on the North Pacific coast of Guanacastes. It has all needed services like electricity, ASADA's water, cell phone and internet coverage and internal roads.
Colinas del Sol is a high quality project that has a legal water system. Our project has an internal water distribution system for all our lots, supplied by our own ASADA. Each one of Colinas’s water wells has been duly approved by the Costa Rican Direction of Water Department and SENARA.
Our In House legal team handles all real estate related legal issues, including transfers of titles and deeds, construction, mortgage concerns and zoning, among other services. They attend all real estate matters and cover the legal work required by every area of the business related to acquiring, developing, constructing, leasing and selling all our residential real property.
Our legal team can help you with all your questions related to home purchase transactions, foreclosure, the tenant-landlord relationship, neighbor disputes, land use regulation, construction permits, trespassing and much more. They will provide you a rough outline of the actions that need to be taken in order to make things easier for you.
All Rights Reserved | Colinas del Sol