Our Team


Get to know the Colinas del Sol team who are ready to help you with any questions about our beautiful properties or moving to Costa Rica.

Jim Day
Jim and Sharie Day

Position: Project Owners


Tatiana Holness
Tatiana Holness

Position: Sales representative

Tatiana Holness is a Costa Rican business administrator with a major in marketing and professional involvement in the field of tourism. She currently resides in Winchester, CA, with her husband. In 2016 Tatiana began collaborating with Jeffrey Sandí as an informal advisor for Colinas del Sol by becoming familiar with the site, providing professional insight, and sharing the visions and goals for the development. Presently she serves as the representative for the Southwest region of the United States of America." Phone: (949) 231-8324 E-mail: tatianaholness@gmail.com

Jeffrey Sandi
Jeffrey Sandi

Position: Business Manager

Jeffrey Sandí is a Costa Rican law graduate, with more than 17 years of experience in different law areas, as well as an extensive experience in banking and finances, commercial and real estate law. He currently resides at the Colinas del Sol project and is the person in charge of overseeing and directing the project in-depth to schedule deliverables and estimate costs. He also negotiate terms of agreements, draft contracts and obtain permits and licenses and ensure quality construction standards and the use of proper construction techniques.

Phone: (506) 8884-1873 E-mail: jsandimurray@colinasdelsolcr.com

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